Components Express, Inc. (CEI), established in 1992 is a leading manufacturer of machine vision and industrial cables. Through years of producing cables for harsh environments CEI has produced cables for the medical, industrial, robotic, military, aerospace, telecom, and automotive industries.
They have made our mark on the industry by being the only company that ensures performance testing on every vision cable that they make. All cables are subjected to a video pattern analysis using a BERT (Bit Error Rate Test).
In addition to Vison and Industrial cable assemblies, CEI produces custom Military cables and wire harnesses. The company was awarded a patent in 2001 for its asynchronous patch panel designed to interface with Cisco Systems network modules.
Camera Link Cables
CLT-303R/L Camera Link Translators
Full-featured high-performance adapters enable use of traditional RS-422 and LVDS digital cameras with Camera Link frame grabbers. “R” and “L” versions support parallel RS-422 and LVDS digital camera data, respectively. Support cameras with pixel clock rates as low as 2.5 MHz and as high as 85 MHz.
CLT-351R/L Camera Link Translators
Converters enable use of newer Camera Link cameras with frame grabbers incorporating traditional RS-422 and LVDS digital interfaces. “R” and “L” versions support RS-422 and LVDS frame grabbers, respectively. Standard 68-pin AIA frame grabber interface maximizes use of existing and standard cables.
CLT-353R/L Translators
New full-featured converters enable the use of Camera Link cameras with frame grabbers and imaging systems incorporating traditional RS-422 and LVDS digital interfaces. Adapters feature an RS-232 port for camera communication. Very useful for replacing older or obsolete cameras with minimal impact to existing systems.
CLT-361 Camera Link Translator
Converter enables the use of HD-SDI cameras with Camera Link fame grabbers. Supports 1080p, 1080i, and 720p camera video formats.
CLT-371 Translator
New adapter enables the use of Camera Link cameras with HD-SDI monitors, recorders, etc. Supports both 1920x1080 and 1280x720 HD-SDI formats. Very useful converter works with most base-configuration cameras.
CoaXPress Cables
CoaXPress cables offered, but not limited to:
Speeds from 1.25 Gbps to 12 Gbps.
Cable Types: Cable Type 1 Mini, Cable Type 2, RG59 Hi-Flex Cable Type 3, RG6 Cable Type 4, Mini-RG59 Cable Type 5, RG59 Cable Type 6, RG6 PVC, and more.
Custom desired cable lengths.
Gigabit Ethernet Cables
Configuration is made easy with over 19 Connector types and customizations.
USB Cables
Configuration made easy.
USB 2.0
USB 3.0
USB 3.1
USB 3 Bit Maxx
Configuration options for connectors.