Frame Grabbers
Going all the way back to analog video cameras one thing has always been present, frame grabbers. Frame grabbers provide a link between your camera and application software allowing the developer the freedom and the power to create an efficient, high-performance solution without sacrificing computer resources. With features such as multi-camera connections, camera power, numerous triggering modes and IO capabilities, powerful and highly efficient DMA engines, custom configurations, example programs/source code, and compatibility with most of today’s popular 3rd party imaging applications frame grabbers continue to be a key component of today’s Camera Link and CoaXPress vision systems.
Featured Product

BitFlow has been developing industrial frame grabbers and software for the imaging industry since 1993. They specialize in interfacing with cameras with very high data/frame rates; working in environments with complex triggering and I/O requirements; and running in applications where every CPU cycle is precious. Bitflow’s software is some of the easiest to use, yet incredibly powerful and reliable.

Euresys is a leading and innovative high-tech company, designer and provider of image and video acquisition components, frame grabbers, FPGA IP cores and image processing software.