MIKROTRON‘s Machine Vision cameras are small and sturdy. Due to their outstanding performance characteristics, they are efficient tools for monitoring the fastest motion processes. Even if conditions are odd (e.g. limited space, difficult lighting conditions, variations in temperature, vibrations), MIKROTRON‘s Machine Vision cameras are ideally suited for optical control. Errors can be identified reliably and defective processes corrected. A targeted control and optimization of automated processes raises efficiency and assures high quality in a way that costs can be reduced.
EoSens CXP Series | BROCHURE
3, 4 and 25 megapixel resolution
Highest frame rates through CoaXPress interface
Flexible region of interest (ROI)
More than 100,000 fps at reduced resolution
Cable lengths up to 100 m
Small and compact design
Extremely flexible in resolution and speed: 3 Megapixel resolution up to 285 frames per second at 1,690 (H) x 1,710 (V) pixel resolution
Adjustable Region of Interest (RoI) with correspondent increased frame rate: 604 fps at 1,280 (H) x 1,024 (V) pixel resolution 858 fps at 1,280 (H) x 720 (V) pixel resolution 731 fps at 1,000 (H) x 1,000 (V) pixel resolution
Stepless adjustable frame rate up to more than 150,000 frames per second at reduced resolution
Maximum photo sensitivity: 1,200 ASA monochrome, 1,000 ASA RGB
Full Camera Link® interface with 850 MByte/second
Monochrome or color with Bayer-filter
Extended dynamic range up to 80 dB
Small and compact design
C-Mount or F-Mount lens adapter
Maximum photo sensitivity (2,500 ASA monochrome, 2,000 ASA RGB)
1,280 (H) x 1,024 (V) CMOS-Sensor
Up to 506 frames per second at full resolution
Up to 120,000 frames per second at reduced resolution
Base or Full Camera Link® Interface with 700/160 MB/second
Monochrome or color with BAYER-filter
Extended Dynamic Range up to 90 dB
Multiple frame exposure
Multiple ROI
X- and Y-mirroring of image data
Small and compact design
Optional C-/F-Mount lens mount
Maximum photo sensitivity (2,500 ASA monochrome, 2,000 ASA RGB)
1,280 (H) x 1,024 (V) CMOS-Sensor
Up to 80 frames per second at full resolution
Up to 80,000 frames per second at reduced resolution
GigE Vision® Interface at 110 MB/second
Monochrome or color with BAYER-filter
Extended Dynamic Range up to 90 dB
Multiple frame exposure
Multiple RoI
X- and Y-mirroring of image data
Small and compact design
Optional C-/F-Mount lens mount